Aquaculture brings along many issues such as ; water pollutions due to the accumulation of fish
fical matters and various factors that make the water environment unhealthy for the growth of fish/shrimps and all other marine life.
Microbe-Lift products range is a water and soil micro-organisms that decreases all organic pollutants
in the fish aquacltural system and makes water habita healthy for growth and rearing of fish.
More importantly, we ( ELI & Nahhas) do not sell you the poducts and off we go.
We sell the products, provide the know-how and monitor with you the rsults.
often we intervene by recommending valuable changes so that your get the results you are looking for.
Some of those results are:
  • save water by reducing water changes.

  • Reduce fish feed.
  • Increase the fish yield.
  • Improve the quality of fish.
  • Make much better return on investment.