Bio-Carriers (LEVAPOR) have been formulated and manufactured to provide extensive surface area for the biomass to live on, (about 20,000 M2 / each one cubic meter of LEVAPOR).
The features of LEVAPOR include rapid wetability, fast bacterial colonization (30 – 90 minutes), high internal

porosity and effective water binding. Add to that LEVAPOR contains up to 50% WT activated carbon and a porous carrier material; a synthetic foam coated with activated carbon.
The benefits of LEVAPOR include removal of odor and gases, better treat-ability of water which is reflected by reduction in main parameters of polluted water such as COD, TSS, BOD, and most importantly a huge reduction of sludge generation.
Whenever a need does exist for optimization of a waste water treatment plant, a start up of a new plant, a reduction of sludge production, more effective nitrification and de-nitrification process, and/or removal of hazardous and suspended substance, LEVAPOR has the most economic and effective solution.